
氏名 劉 震(LIU Zhen) 職名・学位 教授 博士(情報科学)
所属1 総合情報学部総合情報学科 知能情報コース
所属2 大学院 工学研究科
所属3 大学院 新技術創成研究所
所属学会 日本工学アカデミー(EAJ), Fellow of 亜細亜太平洋人工知能学会(AAIA), 世界人工意識学会(WACA)副理事長, IEEE Computer Society, 人工知能学会(JSAI), 電子情報通信学会(IEICE), 情報処理学会(IPSJ)、International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
メール LIU_Zhen@NiAS.ac.jp
専攻分野 情報科学
専門分野 情報システム、知能機械、福祉工学
研究テーマ 1.ビックデータ・データマイニングに関する研究
担当科目等 学部:コンピュータシステム、情報セキュリティ概論、インタラクションデザイン、マルチメディア論;大学院:計算機ソフトウェア特論、人工知能特論
論文 A task processing efficiency improvement scheme based on Cloud-Edge architecture in computationally intensive scenarios 共著 2023年11月 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 181, November 2023, 104742 Jiahui Feng, Jingze Qi, Yuanning Liu, Liyan Dong, Zhen Liu  
  GCNfold: A novel lightweight model with valid extractors for RNA secondary structure prediction 共著 2023年9月 Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 164, September 2023, 107246 Enbin Yang, Hao Zhang, Zinan Zang, Zhiyong Zhou, Shuo Wang Zhen Liu, Yuanning Liu  
  ncDENSE: a novel computational method based on a deep learning framework for non-coding RNAs family prediction 共著 2023年2月27日 BMC Bioinformatics 24, Article number: 68 (2023) Kai Chen, Xiaodong Zhu, Jiahao Wang, Lei Hao, Zhen Liu, Yuanning Liu pp.1-18
  Toward More Accurate Heterogeneous Iris Recognition with Transformers and Capsules 共著 2023年3月29日 Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Modeling Zhiyong Zhou, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Shuai Liu, Shaoqiang Zhang, Zhen Liu pp.28-40
  An enhanced attentive implicit relation embedding for social recommendation 共著 2023年5月 Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 145, May 2023, 102142 Xintao Ma, Liyan Dong, Yuequn Wang, Yongli Li, Zhen Liu, Hao Zhang  
  SMRI: A New Method for siRNA Design for COVID-19 Therapy 共著 2022年7月 Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.37, Issue(4) Meng-Xin Chen, Xiao-Dong Zhu, Hao Zhang, Zhen Liu and Yuan-Ning Liu pp.991-1002
  A Study on the Exoskeleton Motion Intent Recognition Algorithm for Embedded Calculation 共著 2022年12月 Proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Lei Shi, Yin Peng, Yang Ming, Qu Shengguan, Zhen Liu pp.1091-1098
  Create Persona of Elderly Users by Clustering Analysis of Needs 共著 2022年12月 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom2022) Xiaoying Li, Guangxiang Zhang, Yuzhou Wu, Yang Yang, Yuelei Wang, Zhen Liu pp.1261-1265
  LTPConstraint: a transfer learning based end-to-end method for RNA secondary structure prediction 共著 2022年8月 BMC Bioinformatics 23, Article number:354(2022) Yinchao Fei, Hao Zhang, Yili Wang, Zhen Liu , Yuanning Liu pp.1-26
  Cold-Start Link Prediction via Weighted Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Graph Regularization 共著 2022年5月 Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.43, No.3, 2022 Minghu Tang, Wei Yu, Xiaoming Li, Xue Chen, Wenjun Wang, Zhen Liu pp.1069-1084
  A multivariate multi-step LSTM forecasting model for tuberculosis incidence with model explanation in Liaoning Province, China 共著 2022年5月 BMC Infectious Diseases (2022) 22:490 Enbin Yang, Hao Zhang, Xinsheng Guo, Zinan Zang, Zhen Liu and Yuanning Liu  
  Design of a control framework for lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot based on predictive assessment 共著 2022年4月 Clinical Biomechanics, vol.95 Yuefei Wang, Zhen Liu, Zhiqiang Feng  
  Magnetic tile crack defect detection based on Contourlet transform and singular value decomposition 共著 2022年4月 Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Volume 37, 2022 - Issue 6, Xueqin Li, Zhen Liu, Zhiming Feng, Liang Zheng & Shuang Liu pp.820-833
  CFDIL: a context-aware feature deep interaction learning for app recommendation 共著 2022年3月 Software Computing, 26(10) Qingbo Hao, Ke Zhu, Chundong Wang, Peng Wang, Xiuliang Mo, Zhen Liu pp.4755-4770
  LiSeNet: multitask lightweight segmentation network for accurate and complete iris segmentation 共著 2022年10月 Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 31 Issue 5 Sun Ye, Lu Yinan, Liu Yuanning, Liu Shuai, Liu Zhen p53035-53035-23
  An iris quality evaluation method with pre-recognition screening function 共著 2022年3月 Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vo. 81 Shaui Liu, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Zhen Liu pp.907-925
  A Novel Deep Learning Method to Predict Lung Cancer Long-Term Survival With Biological Knowledge Incorporated Gene Expression Images and Clinical Data 共著 2022年3月 Frontiers in Genetics Shuo Wang, Hao Zhang, Zhen Liu and Yuanning Liu  
  Deep learning iris recognition method based on generative model boost training 共著 2022年4月28日 Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), Vol. 52, Issue (12) Yuan-ning LIU, Lin ZHU, Xiao-dong ZHU, Zhen LIU, Hao-meng WU pp.2924-2932
  Data Model Study for Advancement of Japanese PSI Management Introducing the Concepts of S&OP 共著 2022年4月 Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications Xiaomei Qin, Zhen Liu pp.2151-2158
  Simulation of three-dimensional phase field model with LBM method using OpenCL 共著 2022年5月 Journal of Supercomputing 78(8) Chenyu Ma, Jinfang Jia, Zhen Liu, Kun Zhang, Jianqiang Huang, Xiaoying Wang pp.11092-11110
  Improved Detection of Four Attacks Based on Particle Method 共著 2021年11月 Proceedings of 2021 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) Tao Yu, Zhen Liu pp.19-22
  Development of an Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot Framework for the Knee Joint Based on Predictive Assessment 共著 2021年12月 IEEE Access, Vol.9 Y. Wang, Z. Liu and L. Shi pp.168794-168805
  Construction of Knowledge Graph Based on Discipline Inspection and Supervision 共著 2021年10月 Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Yuefeng Liu, Wei Guo, Hanyu Zhang, Zhen Liu pp.1467-1472
  Prediction of remaining useful life of turbofan engine based on optimized model 共著 2021年10月 Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Yuefeng Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Wei Guo, Haodong Bian, Yingjie He, Zhen Liu pp.1472-1477
  Development of Numerical Modeling and Temperature Controller Optimization for Internal Heating Vacuum Furnace 共著 2021年9月 IEEE Access, Vol.9 Y. Wang, Z. Liu pp.126765-126773
  An Investigation of Assistive Products for Elderly 共著 2020年12月 Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Xiaoying Li, Huainbin Wang, Yuqiong Liu, Yuefei Wang, Zhen Liu p.1509-p.1514
  An impedance control method of lower limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot based on predicted forward dynamics 共著 2020年12月 Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Yuefei Wang, Zhen Liu, Liucun Zhu, Xiaoying Li, Huaibin Wang p.1515-p.1518
  Ferrite Magnetic Tile Defects Detection Based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Texture Feature Measurement 共著 2020年5月 Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol.56, No.4 Xueqin Li, Zhen Liu, Guofu Yin, Honghai Jiang p.386-p.395
  A New Feature Selection Method for Intrusion Detection System Dataset - TSDR Method 共著 2020年11月 Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) Tao Yu, Zhen Liu, Yuanning Liu, Huaibin Wang, Nordir Adilov p.362-p.365
  ATTfold: RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with Pseudoknots based on Attention Mechanism 共著 2020年12月 Frontiers in Genetics, December 2020, Volume 11 Yili Wang, Yuanning Liu, Shuo Wang, Zhen Liu, Yubing Gao, Hao Zhang and Liyan Dong p.1-p.11
  Editorial: Big Data and Cyber-Physical-Social Computing 共著 2019年 Mobile Networks & Applications, Vol.24 Song Guo, Zhen Liu, Peng Li p.1346-p.1347
  Reliability Evaluation for IoT-Based Monitoring System Based on AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method 共著 2019年 Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics Ying-hua Tong, Liqin Tian, Zhen Liu 978-891
  Local connectedness over soft rough topological space 共著 2019年 International Journal of Embedded Systems, Vol. 11, No6,2019 Li Fu, Hua Fu, Zhen Liu, Fei You p.698-p.706
  An Improved kNN Text Classification Method 共著 2019年 International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, No.3, Fengfei Wang, Zhen Liu, Chundong Wang p.397-p.403
  Design, Development and Testing of a Wearable sEMG Acquisition System 共著 2019年 Proceedings of 2019 IEEE international Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing Lei Shi, Kunpeng Wang, Zhen Liu p.527-p.532
  Model-Based Active Impedance Controller Development of the Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot (ERRobot) for Lower-Extremity 共著 2018年 Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovations Lei Shi, Li Fu, Zhen Liu p.150-p.155
  The Three-dimensional Biomechanical Model Building of Human Lower Extremity Musculo-Skeleted System 共著 2018年 Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol.31, No.1-2-2018 Lei Shi, Zhen Liu p.23-p.49
  Gabor Filtering and Adaptive Optimization Neural Network for Iris Double Recognition 共著 2018年 Biometric Recognition, Proceedings of the 13th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR 2018) Shuai Liu, Yuannning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Zhen Liu, Guang Huo, Tong Ding, Kuo Zhang pp. 441-449
  Maximum frequent itemsets discovery algorithm based on granular computing 共著 2018年 Proceedings of 2018 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovations Haicheng Chi, Zhen Liu p.156-p.161
  A low-cost and highly integrated control system for lower limb rehabilitation robot 共著 2017年 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2017 Vol.10 No.6 Fucheng Cao; Yuanchun Li; Lirong Wang; Zhen Liu p.488 - p.497
  Topological separation axioms of soft rough formal context 共著 2016年 Computer Systems Science and Engineering,31(2), 2016 Li Fu, Zhen Liu p.165-p.171
  Application of Data Mining on HPLC Fingerprints of Szechwan Lovage Rhizome Analysis 共著 2013年12月 Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Networks, IEEE Computer Society Press, Huang Chunyi, Shi Shengfeng, Liu Zhen, Huang Weiping, Shanjun Zhang p.560-p.564
  Trees with Large Numbers of Subtrees 共著 2017年2月 International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015, Vol. 94 Issue 2 Yuzhi Xiao, Haixing Zhao, Zhen Liu & Yaping Mao p372-p.385
  Personalized Privacy Preserving Approaches for Multiple Sensitive Attributes in Data Publishing 共著 2016年8月 Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME 2016) and International Conference on Information Science and Technology (IST 2016) Min Guo, Zhen Liu, Huai-Bin Wang  
  Incomplete soft sets and dominance credible rules mining 共著 2013年 Computer Engineering and Science, Vol.35, No.12 Geng Shengling, Li Yongming, Liu Zhen p.153-p.160
  The Improved Characteristics of Bionic Gabor Representations by Combining with SIFT Key-points for Iris Recognition 共著 2015年 Journal of Bionic Engineering Volume12, Issue3 (2015) Yuanning Liu, Fei He, Xiaodong Zhu, Zhen Liu, Ying Chen, Ye Han, Lijiao Yu p.504-p.517
  A survey of fall detection algorithm for elderly health monitoring 共著 2015年 Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing Liyang Zhu, Pei Zhou, Anle Pan, Zhen Liu ,Lirong Wang pp.270-274
  A sEMG-driven Musculoskeletal Model to Control Exoskeleton Robot Used in Lower Extremity Rehabilitation 共著 2015年5月 Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 1 Lei Shi, Zhen Liu and Chao Zhang p.265-p.273
  Hybrid optimization algorithm of low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocol for wireless sensor networks 共著 2014年 Journal of Computer Applications,2014,34(8) SHEN Mengnan, GENG Shengling, LIU Zhen p.2148-p.2154
  Design of Soft Human-Robot Interface Based on Neuro-Muscular-Skeletal Model 共著 2014年 proceedings of the 2014 World Ubiquitous Science Congress / The 2014 IEEE 12th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing Lei Shi, Zhen Liu p.536-p.541
  An Adaptive Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization for Feature Selection 共著 2011年4月 Journal of Computational Information Systems 7:4 (2011) Yuanning LIU, Gang WANG, Huiling CHEN, Zhengdong ZHAO, Xiaodong ZHU, Zhen LIU p.1206-p.1213
  A Novel Method of sEMG Signal Segmentation 共著 2013年12月 Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Networks, IEEE Computer Society Press(Best workshop paper award) Lei Shi, Zhen Liu, Qiang Wang p.515-p.520
  An Approach to Association Rules Mining Using Inclusion Degree of Soft Sets 共著 2013年4月 ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol. 41, No.4 Geng Shengling, Li Yongming, Liu Zhen p.804-p.809
  Robot Pose Estimation and Accuracy Analysis Based on Stereo Vision 共著 2013年8月 Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Networks, IEEE Computer Society Press Li Junmin, Wang Jinge, Zhou Wentian, Jia Shiwei, Liu Zhen p.555-p.559
  A New Feature Selection Based on Comprehensive Measurement Both in Inter-category and Intra-category for Text Categorization 共著 2012年7月 Information Processing & Management, Vol.48, Issue 4 Jieming Yang, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Zhen Liu, Xiaoxu Zhang p.741-p.754
  A New Method of Quantitative Rehabilitation Rating in Robot-Assisted Recovery System 共著 2012年11月 Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press Lei Shi, Kun Jiang, Qiang Wang, and Zhen Liu p.278-p.281
  Novel Spam Filtering Method Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization 共著 2011年3月 Journal of Jilin University Engineering and Technology Edition,Vol.41, No.3 Wang Gang,Liu Yuanning,Zhang Xiaoxu,Zhao Zhengdong,Zhu Xiaodong,Liu Zhen p.716-p.720
  Swarm Target Tracking Collective Behavior Control with Formation Coverage Search Agents & Globally Asymptotically Stable Analysis of Stochastic Swarm 共著 2011 Journal of Computers, ISSN: 1796-203X, Vol. 6, No. 8 Zhibin Xue, Jianchao Zeng, Caili Feng, Zhen Liu p.1772-p.1780
  Flocking Motion, Obstacle Avoidance and Formation Control of Range Limit Perceived Groups Based on Swarm Intelligence Strategy 共著 2011年8月 JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE, VOL. 6, NO. 8 Zhibin Xue, Jianchao Zeng, Caili Feng, and Zhen Liu p.1594-p.1602
  A New Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Binomial Hypothesis Testing for Spam Filtering 共著 2011年8月 Knowledge-Based Systems,Elsevier, Vol.24(6) Yang Jieming, Liu Yuanning, Liu Zhen, Zhu Xiaodong, Zhang Xiaoxu p.904-p.914
  A New Fuzzy Adaptive Multi-population Genetic Algorithm Based Spam Filtering Method 共著 2010年12月 Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science(ICIECS2010) Gang Wang, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Huiling Chen, Zhen Liu p.25-p.29
  Implementation and Analysis of Moving Objects Detection in Video Surveillance 共著 2010年7月 Proceedings of The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, IEEE Computer Society Press Henan Guo, Yanchun Liang, Zhezhou Yu, Zhen Liu p.154-p.158
  Research on Chinese-Japanese Sign Language Translation System 共著 2010年8月 Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, IEEE Computer Society Press Zhen Liu, Xiaomei Zhang, Jien Kato p.123-p.127
  An IRIS Characteristic Expression Algorithm Research Based on Statistical Method 共著 2009年11月 International Journal of Advanced Intelligence,Vol.1, No.1 Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Gang Wang, Zhen Liu p.109-p.123
  A Robust Blob Recognition and Tracking Method in Vision-based Multi-touch Technique 共著 2008年12月 Proceedings of The International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing with Applications (ISPA'08), IEEE Computer Society Press Feng Wang, Xiangshi Ren, Zhen Liu p.971-p.974
  Concept Lattice Based on The Rough Sets 共著 2009年11月 International Journal of Advanced Intelligence, Vol.1, No.1 Li Fu, Zhen Liu p.141-p.151
  Unit Commitment Scheduling Using a Hybrid ANN and Lagrangian Relaxation Method 共著 2008年4月 Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press Zhen Liu, Na Li and Chaohai Zhang p.481-p.484
  A Novel Algorithm on Iris Identification Based on Tree-structured Wavelet Transform with Dominant Requency Energy 共著 2007年9月 Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2007), IEEE Computer Society Press Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Jing Chen, Zhen Liu p.316-p.319
  Experimental Scalability Evaluation of Unbalanced-Nodes PC Cluster 共著 2007年9月 Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2007), IEEE Computer Society Press Zhen Liu, Haruno Hinata, Hiroyuki Hirano, Xiangshi Ren, Yuanning Liu, Jia Liu p.235-p.238
  Research on Scalability of Unbalanced PC Cluster 共著 2007年8月 Proceedings of The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2007), IEEE Computer Society Press Zhen Liu, Haruno Hinata, Jia Liu, Chaohai Zhang, Xiangshi Ren p.561-p.565
  An Empirical Evaluation of Seven Mice for Scrolling Tasks 共著 2007年8月 Proceedings of The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA 2007), IEEE Computer Society Press Xiangshi Ren, Xiaolei Zhou, Zhen Liu p.582-p.586
  Combined Functional-Link-Net and Lagrangian Relaxation for Generator Unit Commitment 共著 2006年11月 Proceedings of The 2006 International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology, IEEE Computer Society Press Jianjun Zhao, Chaohai Zhang, Zhen Liu  
  Morphological Zerotree Compression Coding Based on Integer Wavelet Transform for Iris Image 共著 2007年5月 Proceedings of The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Data Mining and Information Retrieval (IEEE DMIR-07), Vol.1,IEEE Computer Society Press Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Lingge Sui, Zhen Liu p.277-p.282
  Circular-Gesture and Double-Ellipse: Novel Software-Based Techniques for Generating Extra Input States in Pen-Based Interfaces 共著 2006年10月 Proceedings of The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (APCHI2006), (Best student paper award), Springer Press Jibin Yin, Xiangshi Ren and Zhen Liu p.231-p.240
  Combined ANN and Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Unit Commitment Scheduling 共著 2006年11月 Proceedings of The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ィCISC 2006 -,。。, Springer Press C.H. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.J. Zhao and X.S. Ren p.1147-p.1154
  A Symbolic Analysis Method of Communication Set Generation for Irregular Array Reference 共著 2006年8月 Lecture Notes in Operation Research, Vol.6, Word Publishing Corporation Press Zhen Liu and Minyi Guo p.356-p.367
  Towards Interactive Clustering on Parallel Environment 単著 2005年8月 Lecture Notes in Operation Research, Vol.5, Word Publishing Corporation Press Zhen Liu p.276-p.287
  SVM Classifier Incorporating Feature Selection Using GA for Spam Detection 共著 2005年12月 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3824, Springer Press Huaibin Wang, Ying Yu, Zhen Liu p.1147-p.1154
  Studies for Hierarchy DDBN and Its Inference Algorithm 共著 2005年8月 International Journal of Information Technology, Vol.11, No.6 2005 J.G. Shi, X.G. Gao, Z. Liu, and, C.H. Zhang p.124-p.132
  User Interface Design of Interactive Data Mining in Parallel Environment 共著 2005年5月 Proceedings of The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Active Media Technology (IEEE AMT2005), IEEE Computer Society Press Zhen Liu, Xiangshi Ren, and Chaohai Zhang p.359-p.363
  A New Model for Different Speed and Accuracy Requirements in Pointing Tasks 共著 2004年9月 Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Computer And Information Technology, IEEE Computer Society Press Xiangshi REN, Jing KONG, Xing-Qi Jiang, Zhen LIU, Dongfeng CAI p.86-p.93
  Symbolic Communication Set Generation for Irregular Parallel Applications 共著 2003年 The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol.25, No.3 Minyi Guo, Yi Pan, and Zhen Liu p.199-p.214
  Research on Approaches of Iris Texture Feature Representation for Personal Identification 共著 2003年7月 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2745, Springer Press Yuanning Liu, Senmiao Yuan, Zhen Liu p.404-p.410
  A Scheme of Interactive Data Mining Support System in Parallel and Distributed Environment 共著 2003年7月 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2745, Springer Press Zhen Liu, Shinichi Kamohara, Minyi Guo p.263-p.272
  Predicting the Solutions of a Challenging NLP Problem with Asynchronous Parallel Evolutionary Modelling Algorithm 共著 2003年7月 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2745 Yan Li, Zhen Liu p.294-p.303
  Reducing Communication Cost for Paralleling Irregular Scientific Codes 共著 2002年6月 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2367, Springer Press Minyi Guo, Zhen Liu, Chengfei Liu and Li Li p.203-p.216
  A Proposal of High Performance Data Mining System 共著 2002年6月 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2367, Springer Press Zhen Liu and Minyi Guo p.106-p.115
  Integrating Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing on Decision Support System 共著 2001年12月 Proceedings of The First International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology LIU Zhen, Guo Minyi p.349-p.353
  An Interactive Program for Inputting Pair-wise Comparison Matrix 共著 2002年6月 Lecture Notes in Operations Research, Vol.4, World Publishing Corporations, LIU Zhen, Ge Bin p.235-p.247
  A Proposal of Integrating Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing in Data Warehouse 共著 2001年10月 Proceedings of 2001 International Conferences on Info-tech and Info-net, IEEE Computer Society Press LIU Zhen, GUO Minyi p.146-p.151
  Efficient Communication Optimization for Irregular Array References 共著 2001年9月 Journal of Shanghai University, Vol.5, No9 GUO Minyi, LIU ZHen p.193-p.198
  Symbolic Communication Set Generation for Irregular Applications 共著 2001年6月 Proceedings of The 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distribute Processing Techniques and Applications, Springer Press GUO Minyi, LIU Zhen, and Weng-Long Chang p.152-p.158
  An Approach to Finding and Revising the Inconsistency in Pair-wise Comparison Matrix 単著 2000年12月 Information Technology and Operations Management: Relationship and Synergies, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited LIU Zhen p.238-p.246
  A Procedure for Measuring the Consistency of Pair-wise Comparison Matrix 共著 2000年7月 Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS Zhen LIU, Hikaru INOOKA and Masana KATO p.135-p.138
  Computer-aided Input System for Pairwise Comparison 共著 1999年8月 Proceedings of The Fifth International Symposium on The Analytic Hierarchy Process Zhen Liu, Hikaru Inooka, Masana kato p.399-p.406
  Preference Analysis of Car Customers using AHP Method 共著 1999年8月 Proceedings of The 15th Triennial Conference, The International Federation of Operational Research Sociaties Zhen Liu, Hikaru Inooka, Masana Kato p.102-p.108
  Application of Extended AHP to the Analysis of Users' Acceptance of Environment- friendly Car 共著 1998年4月 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol.4, No.1 Zhen Liu,Hiakru Inooka p.29-p.38
  Extended AHP Method for Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluations 共著 1997年10月 Proceedings of The 21th Korea Automatic Control Conference Zhen Liu, Hikaru Inooka p.1041-p.1044
  Lifelong iris presentation attack detection without forgetting 共著 2023年7月 The Journal of Supercomputing Zhiyong Zhou, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Shuai Liu, Shaoqiang Zhang, Yuanfeng Li, Zhen Liu  
  Privacy-preserving cancelable multi-biometrics for identity information management 共著 Volume 62, Issue 1 , January 2025, 103869 Information Processing & Management Zhiyong Zhou, Yuanning Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Shaoqiang Zhang, Zhen Liu  
学会 1998年5月~ International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
  2000年4月~ 人工知能学会
  2000年4月~ 電子情報通信学会
  2001年4月~ 情報処理学会
  2001年11月~ IEEE Computer Society
  2021年7月~ 日本工学アカデミー
  2024年6月~ Fellow of 亜細亜太平洋人工智能学会(Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association)
  2024年12月~ 世界人工意識学会(World Artificial Consciousness Association)副理事長
非常勤講師 2004年4月~2014年3月 県立長崎シーボルト大学 非常勤講師
客員教授 2004年2月~ 吉林大学 客座教授
  2010年5月~ 四川大学 客員教授
国際会議重要な役割担当 December 30, 2020 - Januray 1, 2021 General chair, The 10th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Guangzhou, China
  August 5-8, 2019 Advisory Committee Member, The 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, Fukuoka, Japan
  August 9-10, 2019 General Chair, The 2019 International Forum on Future Computing and Communications, Nagasaki, Japan
  November 12-13, 2019 General chair, The 9th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Guangzhou, China
  October 8, 2018 General Chair, The 7th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Guangzhou, China
  June 21-23, 2017 General Chair, The 2017 International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, Exeter,UK
  November 11-13, 2016 General Chair, EAI International Conference on Big Data and Cyber-Physical-Social Computing, Nagasaki, Japan
  November 11-13, 2016 General Executive Chair, The 2016 International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, Nagasaki, Japan
  August 23-26, 2016 General Chair, The 7th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Tianjin, China
  December 1-3, 2015 Organized Session Chair,The 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems,Tianjin, China
  August 26-28, 2015 General Chair, International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Dalian, China
  August 24-27, 2014 Workshop Chair, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Dalian, China
  August 24-27, 2014 General chair, International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Dalian, China
  December 13, 2013 General Chair, The International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Dalian, China
  December 11-12, 2013 Workshop Chair, IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Networks, Dalian, China
  November 1-3, 2013 Publicity Chair, The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, Shenyang, China
  December 17-20, 2012 Workshop Chair, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive, Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2012), Changzhou, China
  November 1-3, 2012, Publicity Chair, The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS2012), Tianjin China
  November 1-3, 2012 General chair, The 3rd International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Tianjin, China
  November 1-3, 2011 Program Chair, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS2011), kunming China
  August 24-26, 2011 General chair, The 2nd International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology, Dalian, China
  November 1-3, 2010 Program Chair, The 3th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS2010), Shenyang China
  December 2008 Program Chair, The 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC-08), Sydney, Australia
  December, 2007 Publicity Chair, The 2007 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, Taipei
  21-23 May, 2007 Program Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Data Mining and Information Retrieval, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
  December 6-9, 2005 General Chair, The IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, Nagasaki, Japan
国際会議主旨公演・招待講演 2019年11月 Invited Speaker, The 5th IEEE Smart World Congress (SmartWorld 2019), Guangzhou, China
  2018年7月 Invited Speaker, i-Create2018 & HCR2018, Shanghai, China.
  2017年9月 Invited Speaker, 2017 International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2017ICIE), Changchun, China.
  2016年11月 Keynote Speaker, 2016 International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering of People with Disabilities (REPD2016), Changchun, China
  2016年10月 Keynote Speaker, International Forum on Big Data Industry Development, Changchun, China
  2016年10月 Keynote Speaker, The Shanghai International Symposium on Human-central Robots, Shanghai, China
  2016年2月 Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Big Data and Networking, Aizu, Japan
  2015年12月 Invited Speaker, The 2015 International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE2015), Changchun, China.
  2015年9月 Invited Speaker, 2015 International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Changchun, China.
  2013年12月 Invited Speaker, 2013 International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2013ICIE), Changchun, China.
  2012年8月 Keynote Speaker, The 2nd International Karamay Academic Conference on IT Based Innovation, Karamay Xinjiang, China
  2012年12月 Invited Speaker, APEC Smart City Industrial Technology Cooperation Forum, Changzhou, China
  August, 2003 Invited Speaker, The International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer with Applications, Bulgaria